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The project stands up for the creation of a regulatory framework, adapted to the singularity of the dehesa-montado, in order to regulate its uses, considering the environmental benefits that it provides, in order to vitalize a sustainable and profitable agrosylvopastoral method of production



We want the unique heritage sheltered by the dehesa-montado to be acknowledged and protected, from a natural as well as a cultural point of view



The project aims to highlight the dehesa-montado and its countless benefits. It works on the international promotion of the unique quality of the products and services arising from it, and the substancial environmental benefits that it carries

Raise awareness

Raise awareness

The dehesa-montado is a highly resilient ecosystem and agrosylvopastoral method of production, with a high ecological, landscape, social and economic value. The project intends to make the operadors, the politicians and the public opinion aware about these benefits and about the theats that weights on it



On the way towards the reinforcement of the dehesa-montado as a sustainable and profitable agrosylvopastoral model, the project also intends to promote the research and innovation, and the transfer of knowledge and innovation to the agents of the different sectors that plays on the field of the dehesa-montado



We strongly believe in the crucial importance of the knowledge and experience of all the players of the dehesa-montado: they are the experts, they know about it. The participation is a key-element to connect the project to the reality of the field, and in such a way to ensure its validity and anchor in the real life of the dehesa-montado

The Dehesa-Montado


The dehesa-montado is an agro-sylvo-pastoral system, based on three essential elements: the trees (mainly cork oak and holm oak, with an inferior layer of pasture and/or bush), the animals (livestock and wild species) and the Man. It derives from the simplification of the Mediterranean forest, where human activity has been intense and generally dedicated to livestock, hunting, cork exploitation, and other forestry uses (wood, mushrooms,…).

Objectives of the PRODEHESA-MONTADO Project


The dehesa-montado is a cross-border agrosylvopastoral ecosystem, unrivaled in Europe, that finds itself in a severe crisis. Furthermore, it is a highly important tool, thanks to the services and products it provides, in the climate change mitigation and in the minimization of erosion in Europe.

With this project, we aim to promote the needed actions in order to environmentally and economically enhance the dehesa, from a sustainable point of view, through the creation of stable cooperation structures promoting the investments of companies in innovation, development of sinergies between companies (60.000), R&D centers, technology transfers, public service applications, and the demand of products of the dehesa.

Expected outcomes:

  • Appropriate specific regulatory framework
  • Creation of permanent work structures for technological transfer
  • Environmental valorization of the dehesa
  • Improvement of the SIG and of the census of the dehesa
  • Unique UNESCO candidacy to declare the dehesa as Heritage of Humanity
  • Reinforce a strategy, through a multitude of activities, for the cooperation between companies and research centers, the promotion of results transfer, and the products innovation
  • Elaboration of professionalization plans
  • Modelling of certification systems
  • Economical valorization of the dehesa
  • Take actions for the dissemination, comercialization and marketing of the dehesa
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