How does it work?

How does it work?

First of all, welcome to the participation platform of the dehesa-montado, and thank you for your implication. The participation of the dehesa-montado stakeholders, be they producers, citizens, landowners, policy makers, industrials or entrepreneurs, is essential for us, since they are who give it voice. We strongly believe in the crucial importance of the knowledge and experience of all the dehesa-montado stakeholders: they are the experts, they know about it. The participation is a key-element to connect the project to the reality of the field, and in such a way to ensure its validity and anchor in the real life of the dehesa-montado.

This platform offers you several participation modalities: discussion groups, surveys, petitions, sharing of experience and ideas, promotion of your products, services or events linked to the dehesa-montado… Register to access to all the ones of your interest!

Why to get involved?

  • To defend, protect, valorise and give voice to the dehesa-montado

  • To discuss ideas, share problems and worries, and find solutions

  • To promote your products and services, and to discover the incredible variety of resources derived of the dehesa-montado

  • To disseminate your events related to the dehesa-montado, and keep in touch with what is happening in your region.

  • To contribute to the orientation of the future of the dehesa-montado

  • To be part of the participation network of the dehesa-montado, and in such a way to open up to new opportunities of cooperation

Promote your product:

We want to offer you the opportunity to promote your product or service, and to show and/or discover all the good things produced by the dehesa-montado in all its incredible diversity. If you want to appear in our participative catalogue, fill out and send us the identification sheet of your product. To see the participating products and services, enter in the participative catalogue.

NOTE: “The participative catalogue is not an online shop. We will only accept 5 products maximum per category per participant. We recommend you to present the products/services in an attractive and general way, redirecting the consumer to your own website for further information and/or for purchase. Before its publication, each request will be reviewed and validated by the administrator of this website. He/She reserves the right to reject the requests that don’t fulfil his/her selection criteria, or whose format doesn’t fit the formal and technical requirements.

Discussion groups:

Open forums to discuss ideas, concerns, worries, opinions, solutions and good practices with other stakeholders related to the dehesa-montado. Post a new item or react in the subjects that are of your interest. You may find the solution to your problem here!

Public groups:

  • Regulatory frameworks (CAP, Local, Regional and National Legislations)

  • Uses cohabitation

  • Economical profitability and sustainability

  • Environmental sustainability

  • Water issue

  • Threats and challenges of the dehesa-montado

  • Property and management

  • Innovations and technical issues (livestock breeds, hunting practices, agricultural techniques, new technologies use, mechanization, innovating techniques, …)

  • Miscellaneous

Private groups:

  • Regulatory group

  • Environmental valorisation

  • Innovation identification and transfer

  • Valorisation and marketing

  • Management and coordination

  • Communication


It is essential that who lives from the dehesa-montado, and keeps it alive, can contribute to the orientation of our actions. Before to take important steps in the project, we want to know your opinion.


We want to understand in depth the challenges and opportunities of the dehesa-montado, who are the stakeholders that maintain it alive, and what are their needs and worries. Filling out these surveys, you will help us to understand objectively the issues of the dehesa-montado. It won’t last more than 5 minutes, and you will provide us highly valuable information to conduct the project actions.


We want to gather the voices of the dehesa-montado in order to deal with the crisis it is facing nowadays. To do so, the political aspects are essential. Signing the petitions, you will contribute to give voice to the dehesa-montado and its people. Let’s show that the dehesa-montado is alive, necessary and resolute!


Are you organizing an event related to the dehesa-montado?
Do you want to make it more visible and reach people interested in its topics?

Fill out and send us the identification sheet of your event, and it will appear in our participative calendar.

You want to know what’s happening close to you in the dehesa-montado?

Go to the calendar to see the upcoming events of the dehesa-montado

NOTE: “Before its publication, each request will be reviewed and validated by the administrator of this website. He/She reserves the right to reject the requests that don’t fulfil his/her selection criteria, or whose format doesn’t fit the formal and technical requirements.


©2025 Gestiona Global. All Rights Reserved.


Access and participate

Welcome! This platform offers you several participation modalities: discussion groups, surveys, petitions, sharing of experience and ideas, promotion of your products, services or events linked to the dehesa-montado… Register to access to the ones that interest you most!